WildEarth Guardians

A Force for Nature

Select Page

Current work in wildlife, rivers, public lands, and climate

Press Releases
Jun 22, 2022
Statement on Forest Service’s authorization of the Kootenai National Forest’s Black Ram Project

The U.S. Forest Service is using the threat of wildfire to log mature and old growth trees and forests and further harm threatened grizzly bears

Public Lands
#PressStatement, #Rewilding, #WildlandsForWildlife
Jun 15, 2022
Lawsuit challenges Biden-approved oil drilling permits for failing to protect climate-imperiled wildlife, public lands

Lawsuit is about enforcing the reality that more oil and gas extraction only stands to fuel the climate crisis

Climate + Energy
#FrackOffChaco, #KeepItInTheGround, #NoNewLeases, #PressStatement, #StopExtinction
Jun 14, 2022
Guardians, allies challenge Trump-era rule change allowing logging of mature and old growth forests

Groups seek to reverse Trump administration’s last-minute rule change affecting 11,000 square miles of national forest across Eastern Oregon and Washington

Public Lands
Jun 7, 2022
Proposed ESA regulatory changes will help species impacted by climate change

WildEarth Guardians’ statement on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposed ESA section 10(j) rulemaking

#EndangeredSpeciesAct, #PressStatement, #StopExtinction
Jun 2, 2022
Biden administration will address oil and gas leasing climate impacts, reconsider sales to oil and gas industry

Agreements resolve lawsuits over sale of nearly 4 million acres across Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming

Climate + Energy, Public Lands
#KeepItInTheGround, #NoNewLeases, #PressStatement
May 26, 2022
Court again forces feds to reconsider wolverine protections, this time using science

Wolverines are trapped on the merry-go-round of extinction and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service needs to put them on the path toward recovery

#EndangeredSpeciesAct, #PressStatement, #StopExtinction
May 21, 2022
Federal judge stops 35,000-acre fracking plan in western Colorado

The North Fork Mancos Master Development Plan would have allowed 35 new fracking wells in the North Fork Valley and Thompson Divide areas

Climate + Energy
#ClimateJustice, #KeepItInTheGround, #PressStatement
May 18, 2022
Legal protests target Biden’s plans to resume oil, gas leasing on public lands

Selling public lands to the oil and gas industry is absolutely, 100% guaranteed to keep fueling the climate crisis

Climate + Energy
#ClimateJustice, #KeepItInTheGround, #NoNewLeases, #PressStatement
May 17, 2022
Massive Kootenai National Forest timber sale challenged by Guardians and allies

Knotty Pine Project expected to harm fragile Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear population

Public Lands
#PressStatement, #Rewilding, #WildlandsForWildlife
May 17, 2022
Court rules federal agency wrongly withdrew bi-state sage grouse protections

Imperiled iconic dancing bird in California and Nevada again proposed for Endangered Species Act protection

#EndangeredSpeciesAct, #PressStatement, #StopExtinction