WildEarth Guardians

A Force for Nature

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Support WildEarth Guardians – stock and IRA gifts, estate planning, and other ways to donate

More Ways to Give
You don’t need to spend cold, hard cash to support WildEarth Guardians and protect the West’s threatened natural treasures. There are many unique ways to help us continue our mission:

Gifts by Mail

Send your gift to WildEarth Guardians by postal mail.

Stock Gifts

Give appreciated stock to maximize your impact and tax benefits.

IRA Gifts

Make a tax-free distribution from your traditional IRA.

Matching Gifts

Take advantage of your employer’s matching gift program.

In-kind Gifts

Give merchandise or services from your business or donate your talents.

Donate When You Buy

Give to WildEarth Guardians while shopping.

DAF Donation

Designate a grant through your Donor Advised Fund.

Gifts by Mail

If you’d like to make an offline gift, you can send a personal donation or Honor/Memorial gift by phone or mail.

Visit this page for more information and to download our offline giving forms.

Stock Gifts

Give appreciated stock to maximize your impact and tax benefits.

WildEarth Guardians happily accepts donations of stock. View our Stock Donation Guide for more information and instructions.

Use your IRA to support the Wild!

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a tax-free distribution from your traditional IRA to support WildEarth Guardians. Here’s how it works:

Any individual can donate up to $100,000 from their IRA each year without incurring income tax on your withdrawal by making direct distributions to WildEarth Guardians. To ensure that your gift is properly processed, please have all distribution checks directed to the address below. Our Tax ID is 85-0406306. Please contact Kevin Gaither-Banchoff at (520) 869-4673 or Kevin@wildearthguardians.org so that we know to expect your gift.

WildEarth Guardians
301 N. Guadalupe Street, Ste. 201
Santa Fe, NM  87501

Note:  Advantages for this type of gift vary based on individual circumstances and you will not receive a tax deduction for a charitable distribution from your IRA. Please consult a qualified advisor before making a gift of this kind.  If you are under the age of 70 ½, your IRA can support our work by designating WildEarth Guardians as a beneficiary of your plan. 

Matching Gifts

Take advantage of your employer’s matching gift program.

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Check with the human resources department at your (or your spouse’s) company to see if the company has a matching gift program, and to make sure disqualifying restrictions do not apply.
  2. Pick up and fill out a matching gift form.
  3. Send the form to WildEarth Guardians along with your contribution.
  4. WildEarth Guardians completes the form and mails it back to your company.
  5. Your company sends WildEarth Guardians a contribution to match the amount you sent.

If the company does not have a matching gift program, an inquiry from an employee can sometimes help motivate management to set one up.

In-kind Gifts

WildEarth Guardians benefits each year from a wide variety of goods or services that have been donated to the organization. These invaluable contributions include donations of food or beverages for fundraisers, meeting spaces, raffle and auction items, office equipment, and an array of professional services such as legal aid, graphic design, or printing. In most cases, these gifts are tax-deductible.

If you or your company would like to make an in-kind donation to WildEarth Guardians, please contact our development director, Kevin Gaither-Banchoff, at (520) 869.4673 or kevin@wildearthguardians.org.

Donate When You Buy

Give to WildEarth Guardians while shopping.

CaringCent: By registering a credit or debit card with CaringCent, you can now donate your checkout counter change from purchases to our organization. Your change is generated by rounding your purchase price to the nearest whole dollar, with the difference going to WildEarth Guardians. For more information or to get started click here.

Reflective Jewelry: A custom and designer jewelry studio located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. A pioneer in ethical jewelry, they are the only certified Fairtrade Gold jewelers in the US—and were named the 2019 Santa Fe Green Business of the Year. All of their jewelry is handmade using old-world artisan techniques. 20% of your purchase can be donated back to WildEarth Guardians. Just use code WEG at checkout on ReflectiveJewelry.com or mention us over the phone.

Estate Planning

Make a commitment from your will, living trust, or other estate plans.

There are various ways you can make a financial commitment from your will, living trust, or other estate plans to protect the environment. All of these options offer various tax benefits designed to encourage charitable giving.

Planned giving options include:

  • Bequests: Make a gift to support the conservation work of future generations in your will or living trust.
  • Retirement Plan Assets: Use your tax deferred retirement plan assets to protect the wildlife, wild places, and wild rivers of the American West.
  • Life Income Gifts: Transfer assets to WildEarth Guardians and you receive income for a term of years or for life. This usually takes the form of an annuity.
  • Aldo Leopold Society: We honor and recognize individuals who make a commitment to the environment by including WildEarth Guardians in their estate plans.

We welcome the opportunity to show you the potential benefits of making a gift to support our work. Learn more about planned giving options on our Legacy Giving page or contact Kevin Gaither-Banchoff at (520) 869.4673 or kevin@wildearthguardians.org today.

DAF Donation

Support WildEarth Guardians with a one-time or ongoing grant through your Donor Advised Fund.