WildEarth Guardians

A Force for Nature

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Current work in wildlife, rivers, public lands, and climate

Press Releases
Apr 22, 2004
Conservationists Sue To Protect Snails, Shrimp And Water Quality in New Mexico and Texas – Rare Animals at Risk from Oil and Gas

Critical habitat designation will block developments that adversely effect the creatures, including reckless expansion of oil and gas drilling on public lands in southeastern New Mexico

Climate + Energy, Wildlife
#EndangeredSpeciesAct, #KeepItInTheGround
Apr 19, 2004
Responding to WildEarth Guardians Petition, U.S. Forest Service to Develop Regional Drought Policy for Grazing

Drought policy will establish ecological and precipitation standards to guide management of livestock grazing and other uses on national forests in New Mexico and Arizona

Public Lands
Apr 15, 2004
Fish and Wildlife Service to Publish Positive Finding on Sage Grouse

The sage grouse stands right in the path of the stampede to increase oil and gas drilling across the West

Climate + Energy, Wildlife
#KeepItInTheGround, #SafeguardTheSagebrushSea
Apr 12, 2004
Aplomado Falcon Habitat Needs Upgraded Protection – Conservation Groups Warn Fish and Wildlife Service to Provide Critical Habit

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fails to consider a critical habitat petition for the endangered Northern Aplomado Falcon

Apr 9, 2004
U.S. Forest Service to Develop Regional Drought Policy for Grazing – Letter and Comments by Stakeholders

Drought policy will establish ecological and precipitation standards to guide management of livestock grazing and other uses on national forests in New Mexico and Arizona

Public Lands
Apr 9, 2004
Notice of Violation of the Endangered Species Act Relating to Aplomado Falcon Habitat

Notice of Violation of Section 4(b)(3)(D) of the Endangered Species Act Relating to the Petition to Revise the Critical Habitat Designation for the Northern Aplomado Falcon

Apr 6, 2004
Santa Fe Residents Lock Arms for Tree Planting, Fundraiser along the Santa Fe River by Joining Stream Team 2004

Residents from across the Southwest have embraced the restoration efforts taking place along the Santa Fe River, joining WildEarth Guardians' "Stream Team 2004" to plant thousands of native trees this spring along a three-mile stretch of River

Apr 6, 2004
John Horning, Executive Director Of WildEarth Guardians, Receives Conservation Leadership Award

In special recognition of his notable accomplishments and sustained dedication in the field of public lands and biodiversity conservation in the Southwest

Climate + Energy, Public Lands, Rivers, Wildlife
Mar 29, 2004
Groups Appeal Chino-5 Grazing Decision – Forest Service Fails to Protect Soils, Wildlife and Watershed

Appeals challenge the decisions made by Linda Jackson, Chino Valley District Ranger, to illegally reauthorize grazing permits for five huge grazing allotments that encompass over 126,000 acres of public land in the Prescott National Forest

Public Lands
Mar 29, 2004
Utah Prairie Dog Faces Extinction – Coalition Seeks Upgraded Protection For Species In Crisis

The Fish and Wildlife Service needs to emerge from its torpor and upgrade urgently needed protections for this species on the brink

#EndTheWarOnWildlife, #ProtectPrairieDogEmpires