Current work in wildlife, rivers, public lands, and climate
Press Releases
WildEarth Guardians claims the lienholder policy has made banks a silent player in the subsidized destruction of western public lands, and is calling on the BLM to cancel the policy
Ads Ask, "Will We Save the Prairie Dog From Extinction?"
Challenges Grazing Practices Across The Southwest
Fish and Wildlife Service Must Respond to Endangered Species Act Petition
The Chihuahuan Desert stretches from west Texas, throughout southern New Mexico, southeastern Arizona, and northern Mexico
In the southern Great Plains, there is a unique ecosystem featuring shin-oak, a low-growing native shrub that provides food and habitat to a wide variety of native wildlife
Stretching across portions of ten states in the Great Plains, the shortgrass prairie was once home to incredibly abundant wildlife, including one hundred million acres of prairie dogs, thundering herds of bison...
Bush Administration Ignores Protection Mandate, Sensitive Habitats Damaged
In this report, WildEarth Guardians analyzes the effort of the BLM in four states to protect 'areas of critical environmental concern'.
A press conference will be held announcing the petition filing