Current work in wildlife, rivers, public lands, and climate
Press Releases
WildEarth Guardians questions the federal commitment to candidate conservation
Oil and gas drilling in these places will destroy valuable wetlands and habitat for endangered wildlife like the mountain plover and white-tailed prairie dog
BLM plan would allow the drilling of two new natural gas wells within an area designated to protect the threatened Bald Eagle: The Bald Eagle Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)
A 1999 assessment by the Forest Service found that Forest Plans in the Southern Rockies may harm lynx and lynx habitat. The Carson and Santa Fe National Forests did not participate in the assessment or in the subsequent conservation agreement.
While National Forests in both Colorado and Wyoming have consulted with the Fish and Wildlife Service in assessing the impact of their land management operations on lynx in the Southern Rockies, New Mexico's National Forests have refused to do the same.
New Mexico Environmental Group Seeks to Prevent Additional Cases of Water Contamination
WildEarth Guardians Challenges BLM's oil and gas drilling plan for Otero and Sierra Counties. The group argues that the plan will harm the endangered northern aplomado falcon
A federal judge issued a ruling that makes more permanent a ban on logging in habitat of the endangered Mexican spotted owl in the Jemez Mountains west of Santa Fe
Coalition Seeks Protection in light of plummeting prairie dog populations
Oil & gas leasing decisions by the BLM would further threaten the endangered aplomado falcon and other struggling wildlife, so two conservation groups are seeking protection of wildlife habitat on 87,000 acres in eastern NM, western OK, and SW Kansas