WildEarth Guardians

A Force for Nature

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Current work in wildlife, rivers, public lands, and climate

Press Releases
Feb 7, 2024
WildEarth Guardians calls for PFAS pollution controls for oil and gas in New Mexico  

New EPA rules to list PFAS as “hazardous” won’t apply to exempt oil and gas waste

Climate + Energy
#ClimateJustice, #KeepItInTheGround, #PressStatement
Feb 7, 2024
Federal decision to deny wolf protections prompts legal action from conservation groups

Wolves in hostile states need Endangered Species Act protections to be rightfully restored across the West’s wild landscape

#DefendCarnivores, #EndangeredSpeciesAct, #ForceForNature, #PressStatement
Feb 2, 2024
Feds deny western wolves Endangered Species Act protections

Conservation groups prepare for legal action

#DefendCarnivores, #EndTheWarOnWildlife, #EndangeredSpeciesAct, #ForceForNature, #PressStatement, #StopExtinction
Feb 2, 2024
Forest Service urged to bolster protections for forests in proposed policy

The commercial exploitation of dwindling old growth trees and forests on federal land must stop

Public Lands
#Climate Forests, #PressStatement
Feb 2, 2024
Senator Siah Correa Hemphill to sponsor certificate honoring the Gila Wilderness

“The Gila Wilderness holds a special place in my heart,” said Senator Hemphill.

Public Lands
#ForceForNature, #GreaterGila, #PressStatement
Feb 1, 2024
Mining exploration plans in Montana’s Bitterroot National Forest remain undisclosed to the public

Conservation groups urge Forest Service to share plans and environmental impacts of proposed Sheep Creek Mine

Public Lands
#EndangeredSpeciesAct, #ForceForNature, #PressStatement, #WildlandsForWildlife
Jan 24, 2024
Pygmy rabbit one step closer to Endangered Species Act protection

World’s smallest rabbit threatened by livestock grazing, oil and gas extraction, invasive non-native grasses and wildfire.

#EndangeredSpeciesAct, #ForceForNature, #PressStatement
Jan 16, 2024
Lawsuit aims to stop clearcutting and road construction in critical habitat on the Bitterroot National Forest

Project would impact threatened bull trout and whitebark pine

Public Lands
#Climate Forests, #EndangeredSpeciesAct, #ForceForNature, #PressStatement, #ProtectWhatYouLove
Jan 8, 2024
Settlement parties urge feds to protect climate and wildlife with amendment of Trump-era oil and gas plan for SW Colorado

The Bureau of Land Management must seriously consider closing these lands to new leasing to protect sensitive resources and local communities

Climate + Energy, Public Lands, Wildlife
#ForceForNature, #KeepItInTheGround, #WildlandsForWildlife
Dec 19, 2023
WildEarth Guardians celebrates reintroduction of wolves to Colorado

Releases represent years of planning to welcome a keystone species back to the Centennial State

#DefendCarnivores, #ForceForNature, #PressStatement