WildEarth Guardians

A Force for Nature

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Current work in wildlife, rivers, public lands, and climate

Press Releases
Dec 3, 2003
A Letter from Economists to President Bush and the Governors of Eleven Western States Regarding the Economic Importance…

We are economists, and we are writing to express our concern about federal and state actions that harm the West's natural environment and, as a result, the economic outlook for this region's workers, families, firms, and communities.

Climate + Energy, Public Lands, Rivers, Wildlife
Sep 11, 2003
Coalition Calls on State and Federal Leaders to Stop Rider and Resume Silvery Minnow Negotiations

Conservationists today called upon New Mexico Senators Pete Domenici and Jeff Bingaman and Governor Richardson to allow negotiations to continue without the time pressure of an appropriations rider

Rivers, Wildlife
#EndangeredSpeciesAct, #ReviveTheRio
Jul 16, 2003
Environmental Groups Oppose Domenici Rider; Offer to Permanently Put San Juan-Chama Water Off Limits

Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) attaching a Silvery Minnow rider to an Energy and Water Appropriations bill is not the way to solve New Mexico's Rio Grande problems

Rivers, Wildlife
Jul 14, 2003
New Mexico Resident Embarks on 4200-mile Cross Country Bike Odyssey to Benefit Environmental Group

Cross-country bicycle tour from Oregon to Virginia to raise awareness of and donations for Santa Fe-based WildEarth Guardians

Climate + Energy, Public Lands, Rivers, Wildlife
Jun 30, 2003
Actress Cate Blanchett Thanks Santa Fe-based Film Crew of “The Missing” with Gift to WildEarth Guardians

Actress Cate Blanchett, recently in town for the filming of the Ron Howard drama "The Missing," made a substantial donation on behalf of the cast and crew of the movie to WildEarth Guardians

Rivers, Wildlife
Jun 12, 2003
Court Rules that the U.S. Government Must Conserve the Dying Rio Grande Ecosystem

A ruling from the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals that the U.S. government must consider all available sources of water when considering how to conserve the dying Rio Grande ecosystem and protect endangered fish and wildlife

Rivers, Wildlife
#EndangeredSpeciesAct, #ReviveTheRio
Jun 12, 2003
Appellate Court Affirms Bureau of Reclamation’s Responsibility To Conserve Rio Grande Ecosystem

Conservation groups celebrate Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that the U.S. government must consider all available sources of water to conserve the dying Rio Grande ecosystem and protect endangered fish and wildlife

Rivers, Wildlife
#EndangeredSpeciesAct, #ReviveTheRio
Jan 1, 2000
Streams are the arteries of life in the arid Southwest

These once biologically rich areas are in the "worst shape in history," according to the EPA
