For now the Dirty Deal is dead, but we’ll need your continued support to fight for clean air and the climate

There was some big news this week and it was in no small part thanks to you!

On Tuesday afternoon, Senator Joe Manchin pulled his backroom Dirty Deal—a scheme to fast-track numerous coal, crude oil, and gas development projects across the country—from a stopgap funding bill that needed to pass by October 1 to avert a government shutdown.

Why did fossil fuel-friendly Senator Manchin strip his own Dirty Deal from a must-pass bill? Because of relentless pressure by you and hundreds of thousands of people across the country!

In the past week, over 7,200 WildEarth Guardians supporters stood together with Indigenous and Frontline communities and other climate and environmental activists to deliver a simple message: Congress must not sacrifice our communities and our climate to pad the pockets of the oil, coal, and gas industries!

What does this week’s win prove?

When we work together—we win!

When we raise our voices—we win!

When we organize and mobilize—we win!

We know it’s very likely that Senator Manchin’s Dirty Deal will rise from the dead. And the fossil fuel lobbyists and their supporters in Congress will do everything in their power to try and sneak this Dirty Deal into other must-pass bills before the end of the year.

That’s why we need your continued support to carry on with this fight for public health, clean air and water, and our climate.

Please stand ready as we certainly will need to call on you again to raise your voice and demand environmental justice and climate action! And, if you are able, please consider making a donation to support this work.

For all of us here at WildEarth Guardians, thank you for steadfast support. Working together, I’m confident that more victories are in our future.

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