Current work in wildlife, rivers, public lands, and climate
Press Releases
Seventy-seven land-use plans proposed by the BLM threaten 69 million acres of greater sage grouse habitat.
Conflicts triggered by livestock grazing in wildlife habitat are a major cause of death for species including wolves, grizzly bears, and coyotes
Lawsuit follows years of inaction by the Forest Service to prevent livestock from illegally entering the Preserve
Concerns remain about source population fragility
Protecting the wildlife, habitat, water, and cultural resources of the Gila Wilderness and surrounding wild, yet unprotected, landscape of the Greater Gila region
100,000 petition signatures delivered to Sec. Haaland as grizzly bear images light up Interior Building
Agency repeatedly rubber-stamped livestock grazing despite acknowledging its harms
Public engagement vital as 45-day comment period begins
Conservationists demand changes during three-day objection meeting
Motion to intervene filed in support of President Biden’s monument designation near Grand Canyon