WildEarth Guardians

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New Colorado Environmental Coalition Announces a Week of Action for Clean Air in Colorado in Anticipation of Air Commission Hearings


December 10, 2019


Jeremy Nichols, (303) 437-7663, jnichols@wildearthguardians.org

DENVER—A week-long series of public hearings are set to kick of today that will advance efforts to safeguard Colorado’s clean air and rein in toxic air pollution from the oil and gas industry.

A newly-formed coalition of environmental, community, and health advocacy groups have billed the events as a “Week of Action for Clean Air in Colorado” and plan to be on the frontlines to ensure strong, new rules are adopted putting Colorado on the path for clean air, a safe climate, and healthy communities.

“The air pollution caused by the oil and gas industry in Colorado takes a terrible toll on our clean air, climate, health, and climate,” said Jeremy Nichols, Climate and Energy Program Director for WildEarth Guardians, one of the more than ten members groups of the coalition.  “Our goal is for the Air Quality Control Commission to not only crack down on industry’s emissions, but also find ways to rein in and ultimately transition Colorado away from fracking.”

Spurred by an ozone problem and the recent passage of SB19-181, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission will take public comment at hearings around the state and consider the adoption of new rules to clamp down on emissions.

Deemed a “first step” to address the pollution caused by the oil and gas industry, the rules stand to eliminate loopholes, tighten controls, and ensure greater transparency around companies’ emissions.

The week kicks off today December 10 in Rifle, where the Air Commission will hold a public comment hearing for oil and gas clean air rules. More hearings continue throughout Colorado for the next nine days.

“Everyone deserves equal protection in the state, public health has to come first no matter where fracking is happening,” said Sara Loflin, the Executive Director of LOGIC. “We expect to see nothing less come out of these hearings.”

On December 12, a federal court hearing is scheduled in a clean air lawsuit filed by WildEarth Guardians against seven oil and gas companies.

The week culminates on Thursday December 19, the end of the three-day Air Commission rulemaking session.

Members of the newly-formed Coalition, including 350 Colorado, LOGIC, WildEarth Guardians, Colorado Rising, Climate Reality Denver-Boulder, and Earthworks, are calling on their members to attend upcoming hearings to demand a pause on all permitting during rulemaking, baseline regional health studies, and the most protective rules possible.

“If we want clean air, a safe climate and a healthy population, then we have to clamp down on the fracking industry’s pollution now,” said Micah Parkin, Executive Director of 350 Colorado. “We can’t make our air cleaner and people healthier if we don’t clamp down on the fracking industry’s pollution,”

In addition to attending and organizing around each of the hearings throughout the ten days, the coalition plans an active and engaged week communicating with policy and thought leaders throughout the state.

Other Contact
Sara Loflin, Colorado LOGIC, (303) 819-6531, sloflin@coloradologic.org , Micah Parkin, 350 Colorado, (504) 258-1247, micah@350colorado.org , Leslie Weise, Colorado Rising, (303) 523-0016

In This Release

Climate + Energy

#COCleanAir, #JustTransition, #KeepItInTheGround