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Asha the roaming Mexican gray wolf captured in New Mexico


December 11, 2023


Chris Smith, WildEarth Guardians, csmith@wildearthguardians.org

SANTA FE, NM. – Government officials announced today that they have captured “Asha,” a young female Mexican wolf (#2754) who has twice this year journeyed into northern New Mexico. Asha had been roaming without incident in the Jemez Mountains north of Interstate 40 since approximately November 2, but because she was outside of the boundaries of the Mexican Wolf Experimental Population Area (“MWEPA”), government officials decided to trap her and take her into captivity again.

“It’s such an old school, ‘command and control’ approach to wildlife management,” said Greta Anderson, deputy director of Western Watersheds Project. “Wolves roam, and roaming is an integral part of their individual and collective identities. Asha deserved to live her wild life and not be used as a pawn in the political battles over wolf recovery in the west.”

After journeying close to Taos, NM in January of this year, Asha was captured, moved to captivity, and subsequently released in Arizona in June. She almost immediately started running for northern New Mexico again

“Asha is repeatedly telling us what peer-reviewed, independent science also indicates: that lobos need access to this habitat in the southern Rocky Mountains,” said Chris Smith, southwest wildlife advocate for WildEarth Guardians. “She doesn’t know it, but her journeys have a powerful message that resonates and should be taken seriously from a policy perspective.”

Asha is one of two wolves that have recently made headlines by repeatedly dispersing north of Interstate 40. Anubis, a male lobo, made two journeys to the Flagstaff area in Arizona before being killed. 

The Interstate 40 boundary is the result of state pressure to restrict the recovery of Mexican wolves to a limited portion of the Southwest. But leading scientists have suggested that three interconnected subpopulations of at least 200 wolves each need to be present in the Southwest to achieve recovery. The southern Rocky Mountains and the Grand Canyon Ecoregion represent excellent opportunities for two new subpopulations, along with the existing population of roughly 250 lobos in the Greater Gila Bioregion.

“I hope this time that Asha has learned her lesson about wandering beyond the politically-defined recovery area and, when she’s next released into the wild, promptly slips her collar,” said Greta Anderson, deputy director of Western Watersheds Project. 

Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Other Contact
Greta Anderson, Western Watersheds Project, greta@westernwatersheds.org

In This Release

Mexican gray wolf
#DefendCarnivores, #ForceForNature, #PressStatement