WildEarth Guardians

A Force for Nature

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Recent nationwide media coverage of WildEarth Guardians’ work

Guardians in the News
Feb 4, 2019
Agency hit by brain drain, mass retirement

E&E News

Climate + Energy, Public Lands, Rivers, Wildlife
Feb 1, 2019
Jan 28, 2019
Jan 17, 2019
Interior, Planning to Expand Drilling Despite Shutdown, Urged to Halt Oil and Gas Leases

U.S. News & World Report

Climate + Energy
Jan 16, 2019
Oil and Gas Deemed ‘Essential’ in Shutdown

U.S. News & World Report

Climate + Energy
Jan 15, 2019
Another shutdown victim: FOIA rules debate

E&E News

Climate + Energy, Public Lands, Rivers, Wildlife
Jan 11, 2019
Jan 9, 2019
Proposed snare trap-ban legislation named for dog who died

Ruidoso News

Dec 30, 2018
‘War on transparency’: US agency plans crackdown on information requests

The Guardian

Climate + Energy, Public Lands, Rivers, Wildlife
Dec 19, 2018