Join WildEarth Guardians as we march at the Peoples Climate Movement this April 29th – happening across the country to stand up for our…

April 25, 2017

Chip Thomas (11x17 english)Join WildEarth Guardians as we march at the Peoples Climate Movement this April 29th – happening across the country to stand up for our communities and climate. Explore the Peoples Climate Movement website and see if there is a local march to join.

Trump has consistently shown that his priority is helping out his fossil fuel executive buddies, NOT protecting the American People from the effects of climate change. On his 100th day in office, we will be marching around the country to show our leaders that we want solution to the climate crisis.

The Peoples Climate March has set out several talking points to include in demands:

  • Advance solutions to the climate crisis rooted in racial, social and economic justice
  • Protect rights to clean air, water, land, and healthy world.
  • Immediately stop attacks on immigrants, communities of color, indigenous and tribal people and lands.
  • Ensure public funds and investments jobs that provide a family-sustaining wage and benefits and preserve workers’ rights, including the right to unionize.
  • Fund investments in our communities, people, and environment to transition to a new clean and renewable energy economy that works for all, not an economy that feeds the machinery of war!

Join us this Saturday and demand climate justice! If you can’t join, no worries, stay tuned for more ways to be engaged and fight for our future.  And if you haven’t yet, sign up to receive alerts and news from WildEarth Guardians.  Stay plugged in with the resistance!

About the Author

Shannon Hughes | Climate Guardian, WildEarth Guardians

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