Current work in wildlife, rivers, public lands, and climate
Press Releases
$15 million leveraged to protect clean water in Grand County, Colorado
Broader designation needed to safeguard species and living rivers
Guardians submits letter and petition urging action to save a living Rio
Rio Grande shiner receives positive 90-day finding by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service following petition submitted by WildEarth Guardians
WildEarth Guardians celebrates this historic and momentous day when the U.S. Department of Interior finally has an Indigenous woman to lead the way
March forecast predicts streamflow 54% of average
Overwhelming support for confirmation of first Native American as U.S. Secretary of the Department of the Interior
Conservation groups seek to halt Whitney Creek Geotechnical Investigation
Hard choices required to prevent ecosystem collapse and species extinction
Coalition seeks an investigation into Kane County Water District proposal for $22 million in taxpayer funding and whether it violates federal law