Current work in wildlife, rivers, public lands, and climate
Press Releases
60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue Under the Endangered Species Act
Thursday, December 9, 2004
60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue Under the Endangered Species Act
60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue Under the Endangered Species Act
The “not warranted” determination on the petition to list the swift fox as endangered is arbitrary and capricious, does not use best science, and illegally considers future conservation actions as a reason not to list the species.
Contact: WildEarth Guardians
The “not warranted” determination on the petition to list the swift fox as endangered under the Endangered Species Act is arbitrary and capricious, does not use best available science in violation of ESA Section 4(1)(A), illegally considers future conservation actions as a reason not to list the species, and violates interagency peer review guidelines.
Other Contact
Read the Notice of Intent to Sue (PDF)