WildEarth Guardians

A Force for Nature

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How to: Luminate Embed Codes

Occurances in ALL sites

  • Footer section in the library
  • Global CTA modules and sections in Divi Library (CTA bars, “CTA 1/3 enews” and “CTA/ Support/Email/Why Guardians Bar,”)
  • Blog timed modal on bravenewwild.org and wg
    • Dev note: the embed code is located in a plugin, which creates WordPress-style shortcodes that we put in the modules. This should keep the Luminate code intact and separate from content.
  • Footer section in Divi library
  • Global CTA modules and sections in Divi Library (“Donation Form Code”, “CTA 1/3 Donate,” “CTA/ Support/Email/Why Guardians Bar,” and “CTA Bar CONNECT email”)
Elected Officials:
  • Global Divi Library Item –  (“CTA 1/3 Follow,” “CTA Bar FIND Rep,”) ;Elected official lookup by zip (opens in new tab, passes zip entered)

The embed Luminate code gets updated in the custom plugin, and the shortcodes get placed in the Divi modules (mostly in the Divi global library items, also in the modal pop-up).

The shortcodes to use in Divi modules are (wrap in []):

  • email_signup – embeds the just the “Get e-news” email field and button
  • donate_form – adds full donate form that can be used in CTA bar or 1/3 col CTA
  • find_a_rep – embeds “Find a Rep” form
Shortcode Plugin

The Shortcode folder is located in the plugins directory. It includes a single file, shortcode.php, which creates a shortcode for each Luminate form.

To modify, replace each form with the new form contents, within the single quotes like this:

function shortcode() {
return ‘form contents’;

If the form includes any single quotation marks, put an escape character in front of each one:

Zip the Shortcodes folder, upload to plugins directory, extract folder.

Plugin can be activated/ deactivated under each site’s plugin menu. It is named “WordPress Shortcode Plugin”