Guardians today sued the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services today over its outdated wildlife-killing program for Montana.
Wildlife Services slaughters thousands of the state’s animals every year; while new science suggests that this killing negatively affects ecosystems and is ineffective, Wildlife Services has not considered the effects of its killing since the mid-1990s. The suit seeks an updated environmental analysis and for the agency to halt or curtail its killing program until that analysis is performed.
In Montana alone over the past three years, Wildlife Services has reported killing 152 wolves, 4 grizzly bears, 52 mountain lions, 18 black bears, more than 320 foxes, and more than 20,000 (!) coyotes. It’s time for Wildlife Services to take a hard look at the science and consider non-lethal ways to address wildlife conflict without destroying the environment and inflicting cruelty upon animals.
Read the press release.