While Colorado is set to adopt new rules to crack down further on the oil and gas industry’s dangerous air pollution, the state is still wildly off track to fully protect communities and the climate in the face of unchecked fracking.
This has to change. And during the week of September 14th, we’ll have a chance to deliver a call to action to Governor Jared Polis.
On September 17, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission will hold a hearing to decide whether to adopt new rules to further crack down on toxic gases during fracking. The proposed rules would require more stringent emission controls on engines used at oil and gas well sites, set limits on pollution at waste disposal sites, and, for the first time ever, require air quality monitoring before and after drilling.
The rules are a positive step forward and will build upon new regulations adopted last December to rein in fracking pollution. In a formal filing last July, WildEarth Guardians expressed support for the rules, although called on the Air Commission to strengthen them in key areas.
Still, Colorado remains way off track to meet legally required climate targets. Worse, as fracking continues to boom in the state, there’s simply no way Colorado can effectively make progress in confronting the climate crisis.
This crisis isn’t just putting the climate at risk, it’s disproportionately threatening the health and safety of low income neighborhoods and communities of color.
At the September 17th Air Quality Control Commission meeting, WildEarth Guardians will be presenting testimony urging the citizen board to go further and faster in confronting the oil and gas industry’s harmful air pollution. The bottomline is, the Commission needs to adopt rules that help wind down and ultimately end fracking in Colorado.
You can help deliver this message loud and clear at a virtual public comment hearing next Thursday September 17 starting at 4:30 PM. The Air Commission will be giving the public a chance to comment over Zoom, click here to sign up ASAP >>
To attend and observe the virtual public comment hearing also make sure to register via Zoom, click here >>
We’re urging people to deliver a short and simple message to the Air Quality Control Commission and Governor Jared Polis. If you can attend and speak out, make sure to say the following:
- The Commission needs to take bold action to adopt rules that rein in the oil and gas industry’s toxic air pollution;
- For people’s health and the climate, the Commission needs to adopt rules that help Colorado wind down and ultimately end fracking in the state;
- The Commission needs to more quickly and boldly to confront the oil and gas industry’s climate pollution to ensure progress toward meeting Colorado greenhouse gas reduction goals; and
- Governor Jared Polis needs to get Colorado back on track to meeting legally required greenhouse gas reduction targets and to ensure climate justice in the state.
And please, share you personal stories and experiences with the Air Commission! Help them understand that peoples’ health, lives, and futures literally depend upon them taking swift and effective action for clean air and the climate.
If you can’t attend the virtual hearing, then please e-mail comments to the Air Quality Control Commission today at cdphe.aqcc-comments@state.co.us.
Colorado can and should be a leader in climate action in the United States. It’s up to us to make sure Governor Polis, the Air Commission, and other state leaders take the initiative to make it happen. Join us by speaking out for clean air and the climate on September 17. Then make sure Governor Polis hears directly from you that climate action can’t be delayed!