WildEarth Guardians Press
Millions of Dollars to Benefit Sage Grouse, Other Wildlife Delivered by Caldwell Canyon Mine Agreement
“This agreement can be a first step in a much-needed larger effort to reconnect wildlife and their habitat in the region," said Chris Krupp, a public lands attorney with WildEarth Guardians.
Read more >Manage public lands for flexibility — including wolves
I love the lands of my home state deeply, and I long for the day when we can manage those lands for more than just the interests of human populations.
Read more >Residents living near Montana coal mines warn feds about new state laws
Witnesses bordering three Montana coal mines expressed concerns for more than an hour about what mine runoff would become under a new state law redefining “material damage” when it comes to mine impacts on water quality outside of the mine’s footprint.
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